Building Resilient Communities

Our Vision

In today’s global village, the fast-growing technological advancement coexists with a scarcity of basic needs within some local coexisting communities. Nation states and international humanitarian agencies have historically been working towards bridging this gap through social development programs. Yet, natural disasters, violent conflicts, ignorance and corruption, make this endeavor a continuous
challenge. It has become imperative for national powers to join efforts with civil society and transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including nonprofits, to identify the needs and risks that halt proper progress, and tackle these problems by offering solutions, designing and implementing timely programs to prevent social destabilization and empower the people. Being part of the NGOs’ community, Babylon Inc. strives to execute projects that will positively
impact vulnerable communities, prevent conflict and violent extremism, and enhance long-term stability.

Our Mission

BABYLON aims at investing in people, including youth, through educational and other specialized programs, to advance the socio-economic conditions of at-risk communities, leading to prosperous and peaceful societies; working with individuals and civil society groups for the enhancement of national, transnational and international security; finding viable solutions to people suffering hardships in war-torn and crisis-stricken countries through communal development.

No One is Left Behind